Humanitarian Organizations is committed to making the world a better place by using simple online ways to protect the health and well-being of people, animals and the planet. They partner with and fund leading non-profit organizations around the world in order to alleviate poverty and hunger, promote peace, address cancer and other widespread health problems, foster literacy and provide education, preserve vital habitats in peril, and provide protection and care to vulnerable animals.
Project or Activity: Financial contributions that benefit individuals, animals and the planet.
Contact Information:; Phone: 888-811-5271


The world is full of problems. GlobalGiving is full of solutions. Solutions run by innovative, grassroots projects and organizations that are working to educate children, feed the hungry, build houses, train people with job skills, and hundreds of other amazing things. GlobalGiving is a charity fundraising web site that gives social entrepreneurs and non-profits from anywhere in the world a chance to raise the money that they need to improve their communities.
Project or Activity: Donate to a project, give the gift of giving, and/or get involved in one or more volunteer opportunities listed.
Contact Information: GlobalGiving; Phone: 202-232-5784