Becca’s Closet
Becca’s Closet was created as a legacy to Rebecca Kirtman and the project she started. The program provides formal attire to high school students who otherwise would not be able to attend their prom/homecoming. Their mission is to continue her vision and dream of helping others. In Becca’s memory, scholarships are awarded to deserving high school students to advance their education.
Project or Activity: Doantions- Becca’s Closet is in constant need of dresses, cosmetics, shoes and accessories. There is tpyically a critical shortage of sizes 16 and larger. Financial donations are also welcomed and go to fund their scholarship program.
Contact Information:; 151 North Nob Hill Road, Suite 208, Plantation, FL 33324; 954-424-9999
Children’s Advocacy YMCA Center
As one of the largest providers of After-School programs in Broward County, the Children’s Advocacy YMCA Family Center serves over 4500 children and families daily. The CAC currently operates over 46 programs for school age children, children with special needs and teens through our partnerships with Schools and Community Centers County wide Project or Activity: Financial Donation or contact program to find out their needs for various programs they operate.
Contact Information:; 954-334-9622
Tyler Scott Goldberg Foundation
At its core, the Foundation’s mission is to continue Tyler’s legacy of love and compassion for others by saving lives, so that no other family has to endure the pain and suffering. Tyler will continue to save many lives with your help. The Foundation is committed to (a) preventing children from suffering injuries arising from the operation of personal watercraft by serving as a vehicle for legislative change, a source of targeted education in our schools, and an advocate for personal watercraft design change and (b) easing the suffering of those whose lives are impacted by the types of traumatic injuries typically associated with personal watercraft accidents through providing financial support for relevant medical research, enabling and expanding the scope and quality of services in trauma centers and pediatric intensive care units, and assisting families in coping with the many difficulties encountered when their child sustains similar injuries.
Project or Activity: Attend a Foundation Event; Make a Donation; Educate friends and family on the importance of personal safety.
Contact Information:; 318 Indian Trace PO Box 300 Weston FL 33326
JAFCO – Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options *
JAFCO is a nonprofit agency established in April 1992. Nothing is more tragic than a family torn apart. When a child is removed from his family, he leaves behind what he has known and takes with him his fears, anger, hurt and insecurities. JAFCO’s mission is to care for abused, neglected and special needs children in the Jewish community, and to work in partnership with families and the entire child
welfare community.
Project or Activity: Volunteer; donate school supplies and/or holiday gifts; financial donations for the bar/bat mitzvah fund, summer camp fund
Contact Information: or
GOGO at Hanukah
Give One, Get One is a local program in which children alternate between getting a gift one night and then giving one to someone in need on the next night. On the “give” nights specific items are selected to collect and give to someone in need. For example one night it would be nonperishable food items, another night might be gently used sports equipment etc. Donations are then taken to the Broward Outreach Center which serves homeless individuals and their families.
Contact Information: Nikki Glantz; David Glantz
Manitou Experience *
Manitou Experience is a one week sleep away camp for boys who have experienced a significant death or loss with a program that helps build confidence, encourage laughter and navigate their grief through friendship, teamwork, athletics, and the common bond of loss. This is non-profit camp operating on the grounds of Camp Manitou, a residential summer camp for boys, located in the Belgrade Lakes region of Maine. Camp Manitou was established in 1947 and continues to provide unique experiences and lifelong memories for boys. Manitou has an active and involved alumni network who credits the summer camp opportunity for providing them with the tools that enabled their personal growth and achievements.
Project or Activity: Financial Donation – this one week camp experience is free to each boy who participates. Volunteer positions for the camp are available.
Contact Information:; Summer: 212-765-4042 Winter: 207-465-2271
Randall’s Island Sports Foundation Kids Camp *
Randall’s Island Sports Foundation, Inc. (RISF) is a nonprofit organization that, in conjunction with City leadership, works to realize the island’s unique potential by developing sports and recreational facilities, restoring its vast natural environment, reclaiming and maintaining parkland, and sponsoring programs for the children of New York City. RISF believes it is important to give children the opportunity to exercise and learn about healthy living. RISF sponsors a number of youth programs, which are all provided to children free of charge.
Contact Information: Phone: 212-830-7722; Email:
Operation Brave Kids
Operation Brave Kids began as a means to provide children of a “called up” soldier with a $25 gift certificate for every month their Mom or Dad is off defending us and our country. These gift cards may be used to purchase toys, clothes or, in many cases, food by their caregiver. The sad truth is that most of these families are not able to cope with the gap between civilian pay (and expenses) to a lesser military pay.
Project or Activity: Sponsor a child whose parent has been deployed.
Contact Information:; John Ghee, President Operation Brave Kids; Phone 772-380-9997
Kids Helping Kids – Backpack Program
Project or Activity: Collect donations of backpacks and school supplies to be donated to needy children at a local Broward County school. Financial donations are welcome as well. All donations are presented to the school by the volunteers of the organization just before school starts, usually in mid August.
Contact Information: Lisa Lerner
Women of Tomorrow
WOT is believed to be the only program of it’s kind in the country, pairing extremely accomplished professional women with small groups of at-risk teenage girls in public high schools for monthly mentoring sessions in a three to four year mentoring program. WOT mentors are highly accomplished professional women including judges, doctors, lawyers, airplane pilots, newscasters, executives and entrepreneurs who are dedicated to showing WOT mentees all of the possibilities that exist.
Contact Information:; Phone: 305-371-3330
Hole in the Wall Gang
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp is dedicated to providing “a different kind of healing” to seriously ill children and their families throughout the Northeast, free of charge. It’s a community that celebrates the fun, friendship and spirit of childhood where every kid can “raise a little hell.” Founded in 1988 by Paul Newman, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, Connecticut is a nonprofit, residential summer camp and year-round center.
Contact Information:
Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital Child Life Program
The Child Life Department at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is staffed by certified and compassionate child life specialists whose goals are to promote optimum development, maintain normal living patterns and minimize psychological trauma for children during their stay at the hospital.
Project or Activity: Volunteer in playroom; Bring arts and craft projects into the playroom (must be 12 years or older, 1 hour per week, available 7 days a week); Create bedside craft projects or activities: Jewelry making, beading, building models, scrapbooking, ceramics, manicure kits, blanket making, magic kits; Decorate bulletin boards; Collection Projects: character band aids, crayons, coloring books, games, playing cards, infant toys, children’s toys; Performance and Entertainment: acting, singing, magic show
Contact Information: Elisa Jones, Child Life Specilist; Phone: 954-265-0108
Tomorrow’s Rainbow
Tomorrow’s Rainbow provides grieving children, teens and their families an emotionally safe environment for hope and healing through guidance and support. By combining miniature horse interactions with camaraderie, compassion and guidance, children will begin healing and will be led toward a more joyful future.
Contact Information:
Children’s Harbor Village
The agency provides residential services for foster children in a family-style setting, and community based services for the prevention and intervention of abuse & neglect. The Family Strengthening Program provides in-home therapy and case management to families assessed for abuse & neglect; The Residential Program includes 4 sibling group foster homes and a Foster Teen Maternity Residence. The goal of the sibling home is to allow brothers and sisters to remain together. The Foster-Maternity home is the only home of this type in Broward County and provides a loving home to pregnant or parenting foster teens and their babies.
Project or Activity: Raise money, host a donation drive, volunteer: tutor, cooking, organize and other activities.
Contact Information: Children’s Harbor Village; Phone: 954-252-3072
Touch A Heart Foundation
Touch A Heart is a non-profit dedicated to raising much needed funds to enhance the lives of less fortunate children in the South Florida tri-county area through various agencies such as Family Central, Susan B. Anthony Recovery Center, Catholic Charities, Boys and Girls Clubs of Broward County, American Heart Association, ChildNet, Chai Lifeline, as well as Jackson Memorial Hospital’s pediatric transplant unit.
Project or Activity: Adopt a family or daycare center.
Contact Information:
I Care I Cure
The I Care I Cure Childhood Cancer Foundation supports the development of, and raises public awareness about cutting-edge targeted therapies for childhood cancer, so that the treatment of childhood cancer will be gentle and more tolerable.
Project or Activity: start a service club, create a I Care I Cure Mitzvah Project, do a teen service project, participate as a volunteer in the I Care I Cure 5K Run.
Contact Information:;; 800-807-8013
SOS Children’s Village
SOS is a foster care neighborhood in Coconut Creek made up of 12 homes, housing up to 75 foster children. The Village allows for brothers and sisters, who are typically separated while in foster care to reunite and maintain their family connection. SOS also provides an After Care Program to help out young adults transition out of foster care after they turn 18.
Project or Activity: Mentor a child, plan activities for the children, become a birthday buddy, throw an SOS party to support SOS kids, adopt an SOS stuffed bear and the proceeds will go to a child at SOS, maintenance of homes and village.
Contact Information:
Brookwood Home For Girls
Brookwood Florida is dedicated to providing troubled adolescent girls with an alternative living environment and therapeutic program encompassing education, employability skills, independent living training and counseling that will prepare them for self sufficiency or successful family reunification.
Project or Activity: Campus improvement project, clerical volunteer, donation of wish list items. Volunteers who have contact with the residents must be 21 years or older.
Contact Information:; Phone: 954-757-3833
Give Back a Pack
Give a kid a backpack is a tax deductible non-profit organization that works toward enriching the lives of impoverished children around the world with backpacks filled with school supplies through a partnership with other non-profit organizations.
Project or Activity: Raise funds with a bake sale, walk-a-thon, talent show, seasonal celebration
Contact Information:
FEED Projects
The goal of FEED Projects is to market and sell as many FEED Bags as possible and to FEED and educate the world’s 400 million hungry children. FEED Bags raise much needed funds for WFP School-Feeding Operations and awareness of the problem of child hunger. All FEED products are made as eco-friendly and fairly as possible. Bags are produced with high-quality 100% organic cotton and natural burlap.
Project or Activity: Purchase FEED products and sell them to your friends and family to generate awareness for FEED, Host a FEED dinner party to raise awareness of FEED.
Contact Information:
Child-Net Foster Children & Foster Care Agencies
In Broward County every year, several hundred children enter the child welfare system due to abuse, abandonment or neglect. As the local Community Based Care lead agency, ChildNet manages the local system of services and supports for Broward’s most vulnerable children. Their mission is to protect Broward’s abused, abandoned and neglected children.
Project or Activity: Participate in annual drives for needed donations: back to school drive, holiday gift drive, independent living graduation, Easter basket drive; Volunteer to mentor or help at a shelter.
Contact Information:; Phone: 954-414-6000
Reach Out and Read
Reach Out and Read is an evidence-based nonprofit organization of medical providers who promote early literacy and school readiness in pediatric exam rooms nationwide by giving new books to children and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud. Reach Out and Read builds on the unique relationship between parents and medical providers to develop critical early reading skills in children, beginning at 6 months of age.
Contact Information:
Emmy’s Heart
Emmy’s Heart volunteers create tutus and crowns for “butterfly princesses” and capes and masks for “superheroes” undergoing treatment for serious illnesses or disabilities in South Florida
Project or Activity: Host a tutu party – Tutus are very easy to make and require almost no sewing skills. Crowns are made with tulle tied around a rubber O-ring. Masks are cut out of foam. The capes do require minimal sewing skills, but it is a very simple design.
Contact Information:; Laura Pita, Chief Dream Officer; Phone: 954-830-9896
His House Children’s Home
His House Children’s Home is a private, non-profit, faith-based organization dedicated to restoring the joy in the lives of children from newborn to 18 years of age and those who have transitioned out of the foster care system. Established in 1989, the organization provides residential care for absued, neglected and drug-exposed children in a home-like setting.
Project or Activity: Coordinate a service project, Volunteer your time to provide services needed on any of the cottages, Create an outing or experience for the kids, Donate to their wish list.
Contact Information: