Sixth Grade

The major components of the Sixth Grade curriculum are Israel, Torah, the mitzvot connected to Jewish identity formation, and Hebrew. Students will begin to read text and suggest their own interpretations and explanations of holy texts. Through study and practice they will become more familiar with mitzvot such as: Jewish learning, K’vod HaBriyot (individual dignity), Ometz Lev (inner strength), Anavah (humility), Kehillah (community), Tzedek (justice), peace, and freedom. Students will search for a personal understanding of how we are commanded to be God’s partners.  Students will continue to have virtual encounters with the Israeli students from Nesher.  They will continue to study the order of the service, review prayers previously learned and master them.
As part of our Sixth Grade Family Education Program, parents and students travel to the Holocaust Memorial of Miami Beach. In preparation for this trip, students will investigate the importance of not forgetting those who lost their lives in the Shoah.  This is a topic we will study more in Seventh Grade.


Sixth Grade Schedule

Sundays 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM and Wednesdays 5:00 – 6:30 PM