Baby and Me Classes

June 18 – July 30, 2024

Call our educators for more details!

If enrollment is low in a particular class, we reserve the right to cancel. We will make every effort to accommodate if possible.

Eyes Wide Open – 3-9 month olds

From the time a child is an infant through their 3rd year of life, important brain connections are being formed. Give your child the experiences that are necessary for development during those early years of life through touching, feeling, smelling and tasting. Our Baby & Me teacher will provide these opportunities through circle time fun, finger plays, sensory experiences, and motor development activities. (One 8 week session is complimentary to newcomers)

Ooey Goey Sensory & Art – 10 -28 months

Through touching, seeing, and hearing, explore different sensory experiences with your child. We will be finger-painting, easel painting, playing instruments, experiencing circle time activities, and making “ooey gooey” creations. Come explore with your child!

Like us on Facebook to see what we’re doing! For a personal tour of our facility and to receive admissions information please contact the Early Childhood office at 954-389-1232 or email us.