Mishloach Manot – A Purim Project

The Youth Groups at Temple Dor Dorim are busy preparing to help us all fulfill a Purim mitzvah, mishloach manot. Purim should be a day of gladness and feasting and a holiday “of sending gifts to one another” (Esther 9:19).


This year the Youth Department will once again be putting together decorative packages filled with Purim goodies. Our goal is for each household of our entire temple family to receive this festive gift. In order to make that a reality, we need your help! The Purim project is a major fundraising activity for our Youth Groups and will help supplement Youth Group activities throughout the year.

Our entire temple family will receive this festive gift!

Here’s what to do:

  • On the form (in the mail or on the form below) list the names of all the families to whom you would like to send a Purim package. ($18 for the 1st family, and $10 for each additional family.)
  • If you would like to order mishloach manot for non-members of Temple Dor Dorim, mark the number of additional gifts ($18 each) at the end of the roster.
  • You may choose the box marked “reciprocate to all families” that have sent our family a mishloach manot gift. (Only a $54 fee for this courtesy.)
  • You may opt to make the mitzvah of matanot l’evyonim, gifts to the poor, by making an additional donation. This money will be donated directly to LifeNet4Families which serves the hungry and homeless of Broward County.
  • You, your family, and/or business can become a sponsor!
  • Send in your orders with payment by February 20, 2017.
  • ALL Temple Dor Dorim families will have a personalized card with a Purim Gift waiting for pick-up at the temple office from March 5-14 and at all of our Purim festivities!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jamie at 954-389-1232, ext 142 or at JMafdali@templedordorim.org.

Our Youth are the next generation of Jewish leaders, and we need your support! To achieve our goal, we are asking for differing sponsorships. We invite individuals and businesses to become sponsors. Your donation will be acknowledged in each of the gifts as well as in our monthly newsletter.

With thanks,

Jamie Mafdali
Youth Director

Mason Eiss
TOUCHY Fundraising Vice President/Treasurer

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